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Showing posts from November, 2014

Stigma Shmigma Part 2

This journey has continued to be difficult and I still have days where I just cry. Its been almost a year since I shared Part 1 and I am finally ready to share this part with you, not for sympathy, but for education and realization of the kind of people who are really affected by stigma. April 28th, 2014 is the day I made the hardest the decision of my life. After Carissa's suicide attempt and almost losing her we started looking at a different approach. Long term treatment. After a few months of doing my homework I found Project Patch ( ). I won't bore you with the details involved with getting her accepted to this amazing place but it was a pretty emotional and intense process. Having to relive so many details of the last couple years over and over. The day had finally come for us to drive up to this place and have an interview with staff and counselors to see if we were a good fit. Packing her things from the list of approved items th