I want to start this blog with an acknowledgement that God is good! It has been 2 months now since my daughter has been at the ranch. I would like to report that it has gotten easier but it has not. In all things I do...I am missing my child. I realize that she is safe, she is doing OK, and she is getting some very much needed help; however she is my daughter and I miss her so much words cannot express. However, I am also filled with hope for her future. So when I focus on that I can get through the day and move on to the next one. When you find out you have a child with a mental illness there are a few stages of emotion that I found to be bizarre and hence my inept ability to cope for quite some time. When I realized that I was not OK I started therapy for myself, what a genius idea!! I have learned so much through this process and mostly that its OK to NOT be OK. I don't have to be strong all the...
Today's blended family with lots of love and some challenges.