This is my beautiful daughter Carissa, she is just 14yrs old. We need help to raise $25,000 to get her to the Project Patch Ranch as a last resort to help her discover that life is worth living and that she is worth loving. As with most treatment facilities, it comes with a price tag. After going over and over evey avenue a friend told me about this website. The back story...On Jan. 20, 2012 Carissa (who was just 12 at the time) attempted suicide and was admitted to the mental facility in our area for 11 days. She was diagnosed, "manic depressive or bipolar disorder" and a list of acronyms. This began our journey into the world of psychiatrists, therapists, medications, and many, many manic meltdowns. As her mother, I needed to switch gears and find a less demanding job so that I could be her advocate, get her to appointments, and be more available when I am needed. What a great decision and what an amazing job I have now. I...
Today's blended family with lots of love and some challenges.