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Showing posts from April, 2014

Clothesline capers!

Greetings and salutations! Today I want to share another story from my childhood in which karma came and bit me in the ass...again! Plans were set and in place, operation sneak out was a go! As I climb out my bedroom window, hop up on the freezer, shimmy across the roof, and jump off the side into driveway...I see headlights coming down the road. I hit the deck just in time to see it turn before if even gets to my house, grrrrr! Whatever brush myself off and commence operation. One block up and 1/2 block over is 3 of my friends and for tonight my accomplices. My neighborhood was very traditional, roads were straight and crossed each other. Blocks were actually blocks and everyone knew everyone, how I got away with half shit I did I will never really know. Except the fact that karma seemed to ensure I was punished accordingly. Now getting to my first friends house was easy he was already out and waiting for me. We have to leap frog the next 2 houses to get our 2nd accompl

What is this forgiveness thing?

When someone wrongs you what is the first thing that you do? Get pissed, write them off, or kick their ass?! I know I personally tell them off and quite possibly never talk to them again. I think that there is something to be said for holding people accountable for being douche bags, and on the other hand there is something to be said for forgiveness.  I think the most important thing in this life that I have learned thus far is that people hurt people. Sometimes it's intentional and sometimes its unintentional. Regardless of the method you have to remember that at some point in our lives we all have wronged someone is some way. Meaning that we are not without our own malice. The power of forgiveness is not to be underestimated. I have experienced some forgiveness both given and received. Both make your heart feel good but if you ask me giving forgiveness that has been denied for a long time, can really put your heart and mind in a very good place. Everyone wants an


There are only a few things in this life anymore that really get to me. Being lied to, and being judged. Judgement by definition is: an opinion or decision that is based on careful thought : the act or process of forming an opinion or making a decision after careful thought : the act of judging something or someone :the ability to make good decisions about what should be done.   Now reading this definition I am quite certain that a lot of people are not carefully considering their thoughts prior to judging someone. Let me clarify before I am scrutinized, I am not perfect. I myself have been guilty of unfair judgement many many times and it was not until recently that I have been shown the impact that can have on people. I was ashamed of myself to be honest and I could not believe the way I had been thinking. I guess it takes personal experience to really have shit sink in. Sad but that seems the best way that I learn...story of my life. What is this chicks point already? If